The East Burke Volunteer Fire Brigade
The department currently has 19 members serving, who participated in a combined 484 hours of training in the past year. This includes in-house monthly trainings, state level certifications, and CPR recertifications. In addition, we have 2 members currently participating in the VT Fire Academy Firefighter 1 program, which is 144 hours of in-depth training, designed to certify individuals in interior fire suppression and fireground operations.
In the calendar year of 2024, we experienced our busiest year since the founding of the department, with 101 dispatched incidents. This involved emergencies in East Burke, calls for mutual aid to assist neighboring towns, multiple remote rescues, and medical incidents that we assist Lyndon Rescue with such as CPR in progress. We also assisted area towns and agencies with the most devastating natural disaster damage to affect our area in a century.
President - Robert W Ware
The West Burke Volunteer Fire Department
The West Burke Volunteer Fire Department has 11 active volunteer members, on call 24 hours, 7 days a week, serving the greater West Burke, Burke Hollow areas, and the surrounding rural areas. Our department is also available at any time for mutual aid requests from area towns.
We continue to work closely in mutual aid association with the East Burke Fire Brigade. This has resulted in better responsive practices to have both departments responding to major fires in our towns.
For the calendar year 2024, West Burke Volunteer Fire Department responded 53 times to a variety of situations. We also participated in fire drills, fire prevention seminars, and education courses.
Fire Chief - Tom Villeneuve
Assistant Chief - Steve Parker II
Town of Burke
212 School Street
West Burke, VT 05871
(802) 467-3717 phone
(802) 467-8623 fax