Burke, Vermont

Town Services

Burke's Services At-A-Glance

  • Land Records

    The Town of Burke has all its Land Records online. They can be accessed by clicking this link: burke.lr-1.com/

  • Planning Commission Meetings

    The Planning Commission meets the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Offices - 212 School Street, West Burke. If you have questions about the agenda, please call.

  • Conservation Commission Meetings

    The Conservation Commission meets the third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Offices - 212 School Street, West Burke. If you have questions about the agenda, please call.

  • Public Records

    Town Assessor - Hours for public viewing of records - Wednesday - 8:30 AM. - 4:00 PM or by appointment.

  • Rubbish Removal

    The Town discontinue Curbside Rubbish and Recycling pickup as of June 3rd. Rubbish maybe brought to the Recycling Center when it is open where it will be taken by a private contractor. You will need to pay this contractor between $3 and $6 per bag depending on the size and weight. 

  • Recycling Center

    The Recycling Center is located at 212 School Street behind the Town Clerk's Office. 

    The hours are:

    Wednesdays- 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

    Thursdays- 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

    Saturdays-  8:00 a.m. to 12 p.m.  

    Burke changed to ZERO-SORT RECYCLING as of October 2021. Please refer to Zero-Sort Posters in the Solid Waste Documents section. The following materials are accepted:  #I, #2, and #3 thru #7 plastics, mixed paper, boxboard, corrugated cardboard, newspaper, magazines, catalogs, telephone books, aluminum cans, tin Cans, tinfoil pie plates, glass of all colors . We also accept computers, TV's and microwave ovens. We do not acept plastic bags or any kind of back plastic containers. 

    Textiles may be dropped off at the Salvation Army Store on Railroad St in St Johnsbury or at the Little Thrift Shop located in the North Church on Main St in St Johnsbury. The HOPE Store in Lyndonville accepts textiles when they have space. Call them at 626-3228 to make sure they are accepting items. All textiles must be clean and gently used. If you wouldn't wear it, please don't donate it!

    You will find additional information about recycling in Vermont at this site: www.facebook.com/VTrecycles/

  • Recycling Curbside Pickup

    The Town discontinued Curbside Recycling pickup on June 3rd 2023. The Recycling Center will continue to be open as usual for residents to bring their recycling. 

  • Fundraisers

    Returnable bottles and cans are collected and given to various Burke non-profit  groups as fund raisers.

  • Compost

    We accept compost. The Compost bins are available when the Recycling Building is opened There is one bin for compost and another bin holds sawdust  Please put your compost in the correct bin and then cover it with sawdust. 


  • Composters

    Available for sale for $55 each.

  • Bulky Item Drop-Off

    Held every third Saturday of each month, from May to October, to give everyone the opportunity to get rid of big items such as beds, furniture,  yard stuff, metal and used oil. 

    You must get an authorization slip from the Town Clerk's office. There is a $35.00 fee for this service to help defray costs. 

    You are allowed to bring up to one pickup load of bulky items. In addition to used oil, the town also accepts car batteries, rechargeable batteries, batteries from battery-operated tools, and florescent light bulbs. There is a $25 charge for refrigerators and freezers. Because it costs the Town to dispose of tires, there is a handling fee. Tires 16" - $8.00, 19.5" - $10.00 and tractor/trailer tires are $20.00. In order to give everyone a chance to attend, the Selectboard have decided to limit the number of certificates to two per year per household.  

    Call the Burke Town Clerk's Office if you wish to receive a certificate.

  • Household Hazardous Waste Days

    Household Hazardous Waste is accepted four times per year. On July 13, 2024 and Oct. 19, 2024 we will hold a Haz-Mat Day in Burke at the Town Garage, off School Street. We will partner with the Town of St Johnsbury and hold a Haz-Mat Day at the Main Street Parking lot in St Johnsbury.on June 8, 2024 and August 24, 2024.

  • Voter Registration

    Same Day Voter Registration went into affect in the State of Vermont in 2017. All persons wishing to participate in

    Town elections may register to vote on the the VT Secretary of State's "My Voter Page" (mvp.vermont.gov/ ) before the election, at the

    Town Clerk's Office or at the polling place on the day of that election.

  • DMV Motor Vehicle Renewals

    The Town Clerk's Office renews vehicle registrations for a processing fee of $3.00. You must have your current renewal form generated from the State of VT. Or we can do the renewal on line with a credit card and drivers license number or plate number.

  • Fish & Wildlife Licenses

    You may buy your fishing and hunting licenses during regular office hours.

  • Notary Public

    There are three Notary Publics in the Town Office who can notarize your documents. This service is free to the public. 

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